Friday, August 5, 2011


Welcome to "Bless Us, O Lord, And These Thy Gifts", our family's weekly meal planner blog.  It is here that I hope to get a handle on my family's favorite recipes scattered about in cookbooks and recipe cards, while getting better organized for the coming school year.

Feeding three hungry kiddos and a fire-fighting husband is no easy task!  Rotating shift-work makes for complicated meal-time schedules.  Throw in ballet, soccer, Daisy Scouts, etc. and dinnertime in the Kueter household can get complicated. 

As much as I long for the five of us to be seated around the dinner table every night...the reality of my husband's line of work does not allow for it.  Soon.  Very soon.  (He is a mere 5-years from retirement!)  In the meantime, I have decided that the four of us (the three kiddos and me) will eat a home-cooked meal at least 5, if not 6, nights a week.  In order to accomplish this task, I must get organized!

I invite you to join me on this journey of sorts!  I love that August means "back to school", regular routines, and the eventual return of cooler weather!  Bon Appetit!

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